Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Osama bin Laden Death Anniversary

Many died on April 30th, but the world remembers them not. However, we reflect upon the death of Osama bin Laden, who is more notorious than famous, in many parts of the world.
American politics will never again be the same after 9/11, with Osama bin Laden's death as a landmark in the war against terrorism. This war is far from over, but we are encouraged when terror attacks and their plans are foiled
Osama bin Laden rallied his people for a cause, albeit unjustified. He may seem a hero to many. In light of all that he has done on earth, one must ask the sobering question, what is the end of Osama bin Laden?
We often forget that after the grave, we are not just wiped out, forgotten and erased forever. Every act committed here on earth will receive an accounting in the hereafter. Accounted by whom? The Bible describes our Judge as the holy God. He never condones or tolerates any evil.
It is not only Osama bin Laden, but any individual who has committed even one sinful act, that will need to face God's judgment. The Bible says that every offense (and each of us can never count the number of our sins) against an infinitely holy God, deserves an infinitely long punishment.
This means that not only men like Hitler and Osama bin Laden, but you and I, deserve the just punishment for our evil deeds. We could never complete our sentence and get out of it - that is why the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ makes Christians grateful.
Jesus takes on our punishment. As God, he not only dies on behalf of all who believe in him, but also completes his sentence on the cross. He rises victoriously from the grave, vindicated. He now gives us his victory - by faith in Jesus, you and I can have hope after the grave.
There is not much that can be done for Osama bin Laden any more. He must reckon with his Maker. But we can pray for those who foolishly follow him - that God will grant them repentance from their evil works, in order that they too may worship God in spirit and truth.

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